Everyone needs a Bear Hug sometimes.
Bear Hugs has become a fantastic way for us to share LIFEBRIDGE with Ministry Partners and Clients alike. Partners adopt, name, and pray over a Bear Hug. That bear then goes to someone in need of a Bear Hug as a reminder of how loved they are. The adoption fee provides for the direct care services for Clients at LIFEBRIDGE.
Bear Hugs are given to clients receiving free services as our LIFE Care Center. They are also part of speacial Outreach Events throughout the year.
The LIFEBRIDGE Community Baby Shower
The LOVE Campaign at Newberry College
The NESTING Place bags for new parents at Newberry Hospital
Love details? LIFEBRIDGE has BEAR CENTRAL where we blulk buy and custom tag the stuffed bears with the adopted name you provide. We have custom desiged displays and printed materials for events/campaigns/parties. We find the right placement for the bear and follow up with the donor/adoptor to share "the rest of the story" so you can contine to pray for the recipent. We are on track to place over 400 Bear Hugs annually. Suggested donation of $20 provides one free coaching/education session.
Click the ADOPTION tab to make your donation and name your bear. Your bear will receive a custom tag with the adoptive name you provide. Once it goes to its forever home (with a client) we will send you a follow up note so you can continue to pray for them. You are welcome to adopt as many bears as you wish, as many times as you wish. The suggested donation of $20 provides an hour of education or coaching. You can donate any amount you wish.
The Care & Share Bears Campaign is a great way to introduce the ministry of LIFEBRIDGE to your friends, small group, or church. Each event customizable and will easily fit your unique setting.
Here's How It Works
1. Pick Your Event/Date/Venue/Participants and Contact LIFEBRIDGE
You can set up a micro event fundraiser around a meal or activity, a presentation for a small group or Sunday School class, or a 1-Day Church Adoption Campaign
LIFEBRIDGE can help you plan the event, provide the Bear Bundle, and if available speak.
2. Get Your Bear Bundle
Idea's & Instructions, Promotional Video Clip, Bears, Displays, Adoption Envelopes, and LIFEBRIDGE Materials
3. Host Your Event & Assist The Adoption Process
Adoption envelopes provide a way for your participants to select a name for the bear, request more information from LIFEBRIDGE and make a donation. Donations can be cash, check or online.
4. Return Bear Bundles & Donations to LIFEBRIDGE
LIFEBRIDGE will follow up with you to share the total raised during your event. For each adopted bear/donation we will follow up with a personal "Thank You". Once the bear goes to it's forever home, we will follow up with a "Rest of the Story" so you can continue to pray for the recipient.
One of the greatest joys we have as parents is teaching our children how to "LOVE OTHERS WELL". Helping plan and execute people-helping projects as well as being an active part of something bigger than oneself, can help develop a child's heart muscles. They learn empathy, how to deal with many powerful emotions, and how to navigate relationships. It's also a stellar way to "fight entitlement".
A fun way to do this is by helping our kids plan a Charity Focused Birthday Party. The Bear Hugs are an adorable and fun way to do just that. Each event is unique and customizable for your family.
Here's How It Works